Informational Competitive Dance Meeting?

A recent email from my son’s school mentioned the following upcoming event:

“Informational Competitive Dance Meeting in the library”

There’s a lot going on in that sentence! I’ve been trying to figure out what it means, and I think I’ve got it licked. It means one of the following:

  • This is a meeting about Informational Competitive Dance (ICD). Apparently there’s a type of dancing intended to convey facts or data, and these info-dancers need to prep for an upcoming dance-off.
  • Bring your notebook AND your dancing shoes, because this dance meeting is a competitive one. Oh you’ll come out of this with some info, sure, but you’re gonna work for it, and only the best dancers receive valid information. The info might even come in the form of tap shoe Morse Code.
  • We dance at this meeting to help us cope with the fact that all the info presented clashes with other info that’s already been brought up.

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